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День Админа
DartusДата: Вторник, 02.10.2007, 22:45 | Сообщение # 1
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Сообщений: 610
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Группа: Гости

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liaicswaigeДата: Вторник, 03.12.2013, 10:19 | Сообщение # 20
Группа: Гости

Some directors have resigned themselves to the efficiency of pirates. Chen Daming, who directed the Chinese remake of "What Women Want," went to a DVD shop three weeks after the film premiered last month to buy copies of the movie after he ran out of his own discs. The Hollywood trade group believes China will only get serious about piracy when its homegrown industry demands action.
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Добавлено (03.12.2013, 10:19)
ThereЎЇs a reason Netflix has held on to its DVD business for so long: ItЎЇs incredibly profitable. Forty-seven cents of every dollar Netflix customers spend on DVD subscription plans are pure profits. The contributing margin of streaming is far lower, largely due to the high costs of content licensing. ThatЎЇs why Netflix has long used the money it has made from DVDs to build out its streaming biz: Physical discs first financed the growth of streaming in the U.S., and then bankrolled its international expansion into markets like Canada and Latin America. Then there are other factors. In January 2014, the Postal Service is going to increase postage fees again. Further increases in coming years are inevitable. Netflix can either decide to eat those extra pennies per envelope it sends out, thereby further decreasing the amount of money DVDs will contribute to the companyЎЇs profits. Or it could raise prices for DVD subscriptions, which could rapidly accelerate the subscriber exodus.
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emu9jmxz3j1Дата: Среда, 04.12.2013, 08:24 | Сообщение # 21
Группа: Гости

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Member companies of the MPAA have taken various websites, DVD vendors and an unlicensed video-on-demand service to court in China and won cases, but the penalties aren't severe enough to discourage other bootleggers. "China's leaders are very concerned about keeping the country together," said Frazier of the MPAA. Piracy "may help keep the masses happy." - buy dvds online
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WeaclefafДата: Четверг, 05.12.2013, 20:02 | Сообщение # 27
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"China's leaders are very concerned about keeping the country together," said Frazier of the MPAA. Piracy "may help keep the masses happy." Like a CD drive, a DVD drive uses a laser to read digitized (binary) data that have been encoded onto the disc in the form of tiny pits tracing a spiral track between the centre of the disk and its outer edge. However, because the DVD laser emits red light at shorter wavelengths than the red light of the CD laser (635 or 650 nanometres for the DVD as opposed to 780 nanometres for the CD), it is able to resolve shorter pits on more narrowly spaced tracks, thereby allowing for greater storage density. In addition, DVDs are available in single- and double-sided versions, with one or two layers of information per side. A double-sided, dual-layer DVD can hold more than 16 gigabytes of data, more than 10 times the capacity of a CD-ROM, but even a single-sided, single-layer DVD can hold more than four gigabytesЎЄmore than enough capacity for a two-hour movie that has been digitized in the highly efficient MPEG-2 compression format. Indeed, soon after the first DVD players were introduced. - dvd shop
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But thereЎЇs going to be another interesting story hiding in todayЎЇs earnings, one that barely gets any attention anymore. Around 7 million customers still pay Netflix to send them DVDs of movies and TV shows via mail. Two years ago, that number was twice as high. Fast-forward another two years, and there could be around 4 million customers left who get their red envelopes from Netflix. Or maybe even less. These sophisticated pirate operations draw on multiple sources. They'll take video features from North American discs and combine those with the most accurate Chinese subtitles from Taiwan and Hong Kong discs. For instance, a pirated DVD version of "The Shawshank Redemption" includes an MP3 file of the entire soundtrack. - dvd shop
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